Challenges Facing the European Cohesion Policy

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Jacek Szlachta


The paper presents the situation concerning the European cohesion policy in view of budgetary negotiations and the policy guidelines within 2014-2020. It discusses the foundation of the policy resulting from the Delors reform as well as the evolution of the policy under the provisions of the Lisbon Strategy. In the paper a long-term programming of socio-economic development of the Union has been characterized. End against this background a brief discussion on the Poland's experience with the European cohesion policy has been described. Both the policy strengths and it weaknesses have been indicated, notably those that impede the positive inflow of structural funds into post-accession Poland, i.e. since 2004. Finally, the paper provides an analysis of the draft package of legislation regarding the concepts of the European cohesion policy within 2014-2020, presented by the European Commission in the autumn of 2011, indicating the key issues and the consequences for Poland in case it approves the legislation following the 2012 negotiations. (original abstract)

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