Pieniądz w modelach cykli koniunkturalnych

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Ryszard Barczyk


Breakdown of economic activity which occurred in the real sphere of the market systems in the last few years was caused by various disturbances in the nominal sphere. Crisis in the banking sector (which through the channels of monetary impulses transmission spread over the world economy) caused, among others, changes in the origin of the modern business cycle. Under such conditions it is necessary to determine the possibilities of using the existing theoretical models of contemporary business cycles to explain their origin and describe their morphological features. The aim of this article is to examine directions of evolution in the main theoretical schools of business activity which try to explain the sources and the course of a contemporary business cycle. In these considerations attention will be focused on the analysis of the most important directions in the studies of business cycles described in the related literature. The article consists of two parts. The first one presents money and credit concepts of business cycles elaborated at the turn of the 19th and the 20th century. The second part describes hypotheses showing the influence of bank money on the origin of business fluctuations, presented by the Austrian school, Keynesism, monetarism, by the new classical macroeconomics, theory of the real business cycle and neoclassical synthesis.(original abstract)

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