Development policy after the cirisis: case of China.

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Małgorzata Sulmicka


During the last 30 years, China has been the site of unprecedented economic success due to a very effective export-oriented development strategy, a strategy particularly well suited to both the country's endogenous potential and its international context. Nonetheless, the financial and economic crisis of 2008/2009 has shown that the potential of China's development model has been largely exhausted and changes are necessary. Changes have been visible in Chinese development policy after 2008, but they haven't been limited to adapting to changing international economic circumstances resulting from the crisis. They have also been tending towards a much more profound change of development paradigm. The development policy of the last three decades which has resulted in China's extraordinary success has also contributed to the creation or intensification of a number of internal problems which now need to be resolved. The adoption of a much more sustainable socially and ecologically development policy is expected to reduce the nominal rate of growth of the Chinese economy. If the program succeeds, however, it should eventually result in another strong growth impulse and in effect further strengthen China's international position. The article presents the main problems and challenges China has faced, as well as the country's successes and the keys trends of its new development policy. These serve as a basis for the reflections concerning the likelihood of the new policy being implemented and the possible effects of China entering a new stage of development. (original abstract)

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