Income Convergence in the EU Countries: Monthly Approach

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Michał Bernardelli
Mariusz Próchniak
Bartosz Witkowski


The aim of the article is to verify the f convergence hypothesis for the whole EU28 group with the use of monthly data. On the basis of turning points in the economic growth paths of EU countries, identified using hidden Markov models, the structural breakdowns in 2008 and 2013 were introduced into the regression model. The added value of the study is monthly estimates of the convergence rate based on extrapolated time series using monthly values of the economic sentiment indicator. The f convergence hypothesis was positively verified on the basis of monthly data. It turned out, however, that the convergence was taking place at different rates between the turning points. In addition, large deviations in estimates for extrapolated monthly data were observed in relation to results based on official annual time series. Convergence analysis based on the monthly basis allows to get a more precise picture of the economic growth paths in EU countries.(original abstract)

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