Trwałość pierwszych związków w kohortach urodzeniowych 1951-1960 oraz 1961-1970
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A family, as the basic social unit has been a subject to statisticians’ and demographists’ research for many years. Recently, the marriage institution has changed not only regarding the age at which people marry and the number of children they have but also in terms of its stability. At the same time, alternative forms of family appeared, mostly cohabitations. Such a variety complicates analysis of functioning and stability of a family. It becomes even more complicated regarding the fact that cohabitation often precedes marriage thus it needs to be decided whether it should be analyzed independently or rather in relation to the marriage that comes next. However, increasing divorce rate as well as cohabitations which are more common lead to the question on the stability of marriages and informal relationships as well as other changes observed recently in this area. The main objective of the study is to analyze and compare the stability of first relationships for women from birth cohorts 1951–1960 and 1961–1970. Cohort analysis makes it possible to present the changes in marital stability that have been observed for women from demographic decline cohort (1961–1970) as compared to women from demographic bulge cohort (1951–1960). Analyzed data comes from the questionnaire D (Fertility in Poland) of the National Population and Housing Census 2002.
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