Post-COVID recovery of the Polish tourism sector: the Tourist Satellite Account results


  • Ewa Dziedzic Szkoła Głowna Handlowa
  • Teresa Skalska Akademia Finansów i Biznesu Vistula
  • Maciej Dębski Społeczna Akademia Nauk



tourism economy, TSA, post-covid recovery


The COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions imposed to prevent its spreading has precipitated an economic crisis on a global scale, with the tourism sector being particularly hard-hit. The objective of the article is to provide an answer to the question regarding the impact of the virus on the Polish tourism sector. The Tourist Satellite Account (TSA) methodology, which was implemented in the analysis to address the research questions, provides the most comprehensive insight into the tourism sector in Poland, as it showcases its results from both the demand and supply sides in a comprehensive manner. The majority of the findings pertain to 2022 and demonstrate that the economic performance of the sector was relatively robust, primarily due to a substantial increase in the consumption of domestic tourists. Conversely, the favorable economic condition of enterprises providing accommodation and catering services can be partly ascribed to government support during the pandemic. The article is divided into four sections, with an introduction and conclusions. The research methodology, tourist demand, supply and investment outlays are discussed.


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How to Cite

Dziedzic, E., Skalska, T., & Dębski, M. (2024). Post-COVID recovery of the Polish tourism sector: the Tourist Satellite Account results. Tourism - Management, Administration, Law, (3), 43–55.