Koniunktura w przemyśle przetwórczym

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Elżbieta Adamowicz
Konrad Walczyk


In the 2nd quarter of 2017 business situation in the manufacturing industry improved. The industrial confidence indicator (ICI) declined in April, 2017 by 2.7 pts, from +7.8 pts to +5.1 pts. In May it decreased once again, by 1.7 pts. However, in comparison with February ICI was higher by 5.3 pts, and 5.0 pts up from the May, 2016 figure. Though business situation improved both on the quarterly and yearly bases, the indicator still swings up and down along its long-term average. The horizontal trend has continued for the last two years. The rise in uncertainty which has been observed in the recent years modified well-known cyclicality patterns. High volatility in business activity persists, and there is no sign of stability to come. Though manufacturers are (modestly) optimistic, no one should rather expect business situation in the industry to sustainably improve in the long run.(original abstract)

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