Koniunktura w budownictwie

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Maria Podgórska
Ewa Ratuszny


In the 2nd quarter of 2017 the construction confidence indicator (CCI) monthly increased by 29.5 pts to +14.4 pts, and is now 1.6 pts up from the respective year 2016 figure. The negative indicator was recorded for 6 out of 29 analyzed classification groups. The lowest indicator (-11.3 pts) was noted for buildings construction, and the highest one (+40.3 pts) for public enterprises employing more than 100 persons (on the whole, public firms reported better results than private ones). Production, orders, employment and prices of construction services increased, and firms' opinions about general economic situation in the country, as well as situation in the construction industry, improved. However, the improvement was effected by positive seasonal factors, and though the confidence indicator rose, its declining tendency keeps on going.(original abstract)

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