Koniunktura w budownictwie

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Maria Podgórska
Ewa Ratuszny


In the 2nd quarter of 2018 the construction confidence indicator (CCI) increased to 28.6 pts, and is now 14.2 pts up from the respective last year figure. The seasonal increase in construction activity in the second quarter, which amounts to 25.8 pts, is however lower than one and two years ago, and is also lower than the average over the last 10 years (which equals to 30 pts). The fast-growing tendency of CCI over the last two years downturned. Much the same changes are being observed in the case of production, orders, capacity utilization, employment, and firms' opinions about general economic situation in Poland and situation in the construction industry. What particularly worries is poor performance outcomes of small firms (up to 20 employees), esp. private companies employing up to 10 employees. On the whole, construction firms do not expect any significant changes of their business activity in the next quarter.(original abstract)

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