Kondycja gospodarstw domowych

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Sławomir Dudek


In the 3rd quarter of 2018 the sentiments of Polish households deteriorated. The IRG SGH consumer confidence indicator (CSI) decreased by 6.2 pts. It is by 0.6 pts lower than a year ago. The indicator has been volatile recently, however, it seems that the growing tendency which has been noticed since the beginning of 2013 eventually ceased. All the components of CSI declined, with a fall in opinions on general economic situation in Poland over the next year being the largest. Consequently, households expect a slower growth of their income, a rise in unemployment and a drop in their ability to save. The worsening of the sentiments may result in a slowdown of aggregate private consumption. Lower assessment of the economy and households' income contributes into reduction of expenditures on consumer durables and of savings.(original abstract)

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