Koniunktura w przemyśle przetwórczym

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Elżbieta Adamowicz
Konrad Walczyk


In the 4th quarter of 2018 the declining tendency in the manufacturing industry, manifested by the downturn of the cyclical component of the industrial confidence indicator (ICI), strengthened. The indicator and the main balances decreased, both on the quarterly and annual bases. In December, 2018 ICI was 9.6 pts down from the September figure, and by 10.1 pts lower than in December, 2017. The indicator is now far below its long-term average. Expectations of manufacturing firms are very pessimistic. The mid-term tendency of production, total and export orders, employment and financial situation is declining. Finished goods inventories are growing, and general economic situation in the country is getting worse in the opinion of the surveyed manufacturers. As negative cyclical and seasonal factors have coincided, no recovery should be expected over the next months.(original abstract)

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