Koniunktura w gospodarce polskiej

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Joanna Klimkowska


Usually the first quarter of a year brings about a slowdown in general economic activity which manifests in a quarterly decline in the IRG SGH barometer (BARIRG). In this regard the 1st quarter of 2020 is not an exception. The barometer decreased by 2.8 pts to -8.9 pts, and is now by 6.6 pts lowerthan one year earlier. The slowdown hit particularly the manufacturing and, to a somewhat lesser extent, construction industries. Firms' and consumers' expectations concerning the next quarter are modestly optimistic, however, before the results of the surveys were processed, nobody had anticipated how the COVID-19 epidemic would have spread around Europe. Surely, it will make a negative impact on the Polish economy of a size and scope that can hardly be assessed now.(original abstract)

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