Rola lidera lokalnego w rozwoju gminy

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Paulina Legutko-Kobus


The paper focused on the role of the leader (individual and collective) in the processes of local development, especially in the programming of local development and community perceived as a learning organization. The analysis concerned the small rural municipalities. The studies allow to make the following conclusions: • Economic success and associated with it the diversification of the rural areas depends on many factors, especially from local activity related to the programming and acquiring of external funds. • A few models of public participation are possible in the programming and the developmental processes. It seems that the stronger social relations and local trust are in the communities, the greater chance is for active using of social development factors, • Currently the most often existing local leader is a group, which guarantees continuity of the development on the local scale regardless of the circumstances, • Local collective leader is also a guarantee for the existence of networks, communication channels between diXerent social groups, that is building the civil society and strengthening of social capital, • women play an increasingly important role among the local leaders.


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Jak cytować
Legutko-Kobus, P. (2011). Rola lidera lokalnego w rozwoju gminy. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (2), 117–135.
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