Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne w stosunkach Rosja - Unia Europejska w kontekście współzależności eksportowo-importowych

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Olga Zakrzewska


The paper is dealing with the role of energy security questions within EU–Russia relations, particularly in the context of their import–export interdepedence. The article is concentrating on the oil and gas sectors as this two branches play crucial role in EU–Russia energy relations. The paper is also analyzing the importance of Russian oil and gas sectors for the Russian economic security in general. By describing the problems of those two sectors, author is showing on the one hand threats for further Russian economic development and on the other hand risk for EU energetic security. Since EU is the biggest consumer of Russian energy resources and Russia is the biggest supplier of EU energy resources, problems of Russian energy sector strongly influence EU energy security. The article is analyzing this interdependencies.


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Jak cytować
Zakrzewska, O. (2014). Bezpieczeństwo energetyczne w stosunkach Rosja - Unia Europejska w kontekście współzależności eksportowo-importowych. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (1), 153–171.
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