Socially responsible project management

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Michał Trocki
Mateusz Juchniewicz
Emil Bukłaha


In recent years we have observed the global awareness of threats posed by unrestrained and irresponsible growth gaining ground. Hence, continuous searches for sustainable solutions which enable to put in place measures that promote global, national, and local efficiency seem to make sense.
This paper aims to examine and assess the current state of affairs and proposes directions for the development of sustainable and socially responsible project-related activities. It explains how the idea of social responsibility emerged as a natural consequence of the evolution of an organisation with respect to sustainable development. Against the background of these notions we define the place and role of project management in socially responsible development and discuss different views on the subject presented by authors from different countries. Theoretical considerations are supplemented with the discussion of the findings of own surveys focused on the role and relevance of social responsibility in project management in organisations active in this field in Poland. It was an exploratory study, the first of its kind in Poland.


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How to Cite
Trocki, M. ., Juchniewicz, M., & Bukłaha, E. (2020). Socially responsible project management. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (41), 45–60.


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