The Origin and Types of Controlling in Project Management

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Emil Bukłaha


The aim of the article is to present the views of domestic and foreign authors on the genesis of project controlling and importance of that idea for the success of implemented projects, as well as its evolution in relation to project management and the attempt to classify it from the point of view of accepted analysis criteria. Controlling as a business management tool in Europe gained in importance scarcely in the second half of the twentieth century, although its beginnings fall on the medieval period. Authors of numerous studies in this field point to various sources of controlling and controller concepts, mainly due to the cultural, economic and historical conditions of shaping the role and scope of information use for project management. In the initial period of use, controlling was primarily focused on the objectives of ongoing project management, but nowadays interest in controlling oriented towards
the needs of strategic (long–term) management is becoming more and more noticeable. Nowadays, the idea of project controlling is recommended for implementation both in large, medium–sized and small business entities as well as public institutions. In relation to project management, it may include comparative activities of planned and actual values in current operations as well as undertaking activities of regulation, management, control or other related to information needs of the senior management and key project stakeholders.


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How to Cite
Bukłaha, E. (2019). The Origin and Types of Controlling in Project Management. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (32), 27–37.


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