Analysis of the transport users’ behaviours and preferences commuting to traffic generators in Radom
Main Article Content
Transport needs result from the essence of human needs (from the need for movement or from natural mobility) and from the scientific, cultural, economic or administrative activities carried out. They have a diverse character resulting from both objective and subjective reasons, and their consequence is the emergence of journeys. The specificity of these mobility can be analyzed in reference to various spaces related to the implementation of journeys.
The purpose of the paper is to present the results of research carried out as part of the project Strategy for urban development of the Radom Functional Area (ROF). These studies concerned the recognition of transport users’ behaviours and preferences of commuting in Radom. The research was carried out in traffic generators performing the most important urban functions and defining the specificity of socio-economic processes in Radom.
Article Details
1. Ciszewski, T., Dębowska-Mróz, M., Ferensztajn-Galardos, E., Grad, B., Krajewska, R., Łukasik, Z., Rogowski, A., Wojciechowski, W. (2014). Analiza przemieszczeń i preferencji komunikacyjnych na obszarze ROF – opracowanie zespołu UTH Radom (umowa NR 1/KM4/2014 z dnia 21 maja 2014 r. między SITK Oddział w Krakowie a UTH w Radomiu) w ramach projektu Zintegrowane planowanie transportu zrównoważonego miejskiego Radomskiego Obszaru Funkcjonalnego (umowa MPU-II/3302/4/2014 z dnia 22.04.2014 r. między Miejską Pracownią Urbanistyczną w Radomiu a SITK Oddział w Krakowie).
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4. Dębowska-Mróz, M., Ferensztajn-Galardos, E., Krajewska, R, Rogowski, A. (2019). Analysis of the pedestrian traffic in the transport nodes in Radom [The article submitted to the conference EURO-TRANS 2018].
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