Implementation of the IMZD Approach (IMZD as the Integrative Maturity Capability Model) in the Performance of a New Product Process

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Piotr Bartkowiak
Ireneusz P. Rutkowski


The publication sets out to propose a new research approach – one that could significantly improve the maturity measurement of product innovation processes in businesses. As detailed here, the concept for measuring the maturity of an innovation and new product marketing process reflects a specific research attitude towards new product development. Importantly, too, the concept sees those approaches as guiding and directing the studies into the matrix- and grid-based methods, which are developed using new analytical tools. What is presented here is an overview of methodologies with their relevant techniques and procedural algorithms (methodology in a pragmatic sense).


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How to Cite
Bartkowiak, P., & Rutkowski, I. P. (2019). Implementation of the IMZD Approach (IMZD as the Integrative Maturity Capability Model) in the Performance of a New Product Process. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (31), 121–133.


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