Creativity and Knowledge Sharing in Teams

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Celina Sołek-Borowska


Despite the wealth of studies related to team creativity, there is a general concern that the field still offers fuzzy indications about how team creativity (TC) can be supported within organizations. Creativity is enacted in the individual, within teams and within networks. Team creativity depends on creative individuals, processes, situations, the culture and the interaction of these factors. A growing number of organizations rely heavily on team creativity to enhance their capacity for generating new ideas. To enable knowledge sharing in teams in order to offer creativity within such a team, members must have access to an arena in which to engage in interpersonal dialogues to share their experiences, suggestions and knowledge with one another. Therefore, the objective of the study is firstly to find out what is understood by creativity of the team in terms of a process and outcome and secondly, to place the knowledge sharing process within the field of team creativity. A literature review was used to gather evidence about the key concepts in the fields of management, organization and creativity.


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How to Cite
Sołek-Borowska, C. (2019). Creativity and Knowledge Sharing in Teams. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (31), 37–48.


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