Differences in the perception of the current state and the desired state of organizational culture in public and non-public universities in Poland from students’ perspective: a study based on Cameron and Quinn’s model
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Higher education institutions (HEIs) play a significant role in modern economies, and it is worthwhile to analyze the factors that affect their effectiveness. To our knowledge, few studies have focused on the attitudes of students in Poland to their work environment. The purpose of this paper is to present differences in the perception of current and desired organizational culture in public and non-public HEIs in Poland from the perspective of students. A synthetic review of the literature on organizational culture at HEIs was conducted and presented. Research in the form of a survey based on Cameron and Quinn’s model was conducted in two public and two non-public HEIs in Poland. A sample of opinions of 402 students was gathered and analyzed. According to students from public and non-public schools alike the present culture was clan culture. Both groups also pointed at clan culture as the desired one, with adhocracy culture following closely. The findings may be useful for higher education decision makers in their attempts to create an effective working environment at HEIs. A further, more comprehensive research into the subject will be worth conducting.
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