Determinants of choosing a business model in small and medium-sized enterprises

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Marta Ziółkowska


In the face of continuous changes in the business environment both in local markets and worldwide, we need adequate elements of a business model that would allow enterprises to compete and help them generate market value. The paper conceptualises the notion of a business model and the role it plays in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME); it also examines determinants of choosing the right business model. It conceptualises the term and subject of business model analysis. The discussion of determinants of choosing the right business model in SMEs is preceded with an overview of literature and desk research analysis which demonstrate the need to systematically investigate the issue.


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Jak cytować
Ziółkowska, M. (2019). Determinants of choosing a business model in small and medium-sized enterprises. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (34), 93–101.


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