The Concept of Construction of Agglomeration Railway System in the Upper Silesian Conurbation

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Elżbieta Macioszek
Damian Lach


An indispensable element in the development of urbanized areas of individual agglomerations is the change in the structure of transport systems in such a way as to meet their needs. Depending on the nature of the area, the use of infrastructure is strongly related to the mobility and transport preferences of its residents. In the case of the Upper Silesian Agglomeration, the agglomeration rail system is not developed in a way that corresponds to its potential. The article presents the concept of establishing a fast agglomeration railway as a complement to the existing transport systems in the Upper Silesian Agglomeration.


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Jak cytować
Macioszek, E., & Lach, D. (2019). The Concept of Construction of Agglomeration Railway System in the Upper Silesian Conurbation. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (33), 67–77.


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