Effectiveness of State Supervision and Control of Foundations' Economic Activity

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Joanna Dominowska


The construction of supervision and control of foundations and their economic activity in Poland is fairly well developed. The main goal of this research was to ascertain whether the procedure of supervision works effectively. It was also to highlight those supervision elements and stages that do not perform their role accurately and to indicate the reasons thereof. It is important to intensify the discussion on the change of the model of founda- tion supervision into a more effective system on the one hand, and less troublesome for entrepreneurs on the other. The research of this type has never been conducted through the cross-impact analysis. Every ministry presents only the analysis in relation to the foundations subordinated to them. There is no pooled analysis of the supervision state on economic activity of foundations in Poland, and in this respect, this study is a novel scientific contribution. The conclusion drawn from it points to a necessity for simplifica- tion, standardisation (a uniform foundation activity report form is not sufficient) and the introduction of instruments to affect the current foundations’ activity.


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Jak cytować
Dominowska, J. (2019). Effectiveness of State Supervision and Control of Foundations’ Economic Activity. Journal of Management and Financial Sciences, (29), 185–193. https://doi.org/10.33119/JMFS.2017.29.9


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