Age diversity - managing age in organizations

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Zdzisława Przetacka


There may be pointed out many justifi cations for development of new strategies of staff management taking into consideration effective solutions addressed to personnel diversifi ed by age. Development and implementation of these strategies means above all advantages for all interested parties, namely employees and employers, as well as customers. Implementation of solutions facilitating equality policy in respect to age is also a requirement resulting from the regulations of the Community law. Directives concerning combating discrimination, and in particular the Directive regarding laying down a general framework for combating discrimination on the grounds of religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation as regards employment and occupation (Council Directive 2000/78/EC), change legal framework of activities of economic entities and oblige them to comply with the new regulations in practice. It is worth to view the obligatory regulations from the perspective of advantages for business following implementation of the equality and diversity. (fragment of text)

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How to Cite
Przetacka, Z. (2009). Age diversity - managing age in organizations. Women and Business, (1-4), 18–23, 47.


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