Job satisfaction and reconciliation of family and professional responsibilities among working women with children of up to 14 years of age in Poland

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Izabela Grabowska
Ewelina Słotwińska-Rosłanowska


Job satisfaction is a key factor not only for management-related studies, but also for the practical functioning of enterprises and people's general satisfaction with life. Research shows that numerous employers pay considerable attention to the satisfaction of their employees, assuming that its increase will contribute to improving work effectiveness. Although the correlation between job satisfaction and employee effectiveness is not clear [Springer 2010], job satisfaction is listed among key employee motivation tools. The goal of this paper is to assess the impact of selected characteristics related to reconciliation of family and professional responsibilities on job satisfaction among working women with children of up to 14 years of age in Poland, using the multivariate general linear model (GLM).(fragment of text)

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How to Cite
Grabowska, I., & Słotwińska-Rosłanowska, E. (2017). Job satisfaction and reconciliation of family and professional responsibilities among working women with children of up to 14 years of age in Poland. Women and Business, (1-4), 13–22, 55.


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