In search of identity patterns of Polish women
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The scientists studying social phenomena indicate the changes taking place in the perception of the impact of the hitherto knowledge, qualifications and education on the course of professional careers. Education, as an element of tradition, was treated as the target point for individual aspirations. In the modernised approach it has instrumental value: knowledge in the past treated as the sign of cultural and social advance, currently means just a set of qualifications and skills enabling achievement of other values, e.g. life quality understood as the prime of life and intensiveness of experience. A rather coherent vision of the career phenomenon emerges from the analyses. The presented data indicate deepening and increasingly unambiguously perceived its material context, while even at the beginning of the 1990s career was definitely negatively associated, often meaning acting at the edge of law. However, the strategies that are to dominate in the future; which of them will favour women, and which - men, is still and open issue. Without making changes to the existing models of the functioning of the roles of men and women, without the support of the state and its institutions, it can be assumed.
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