Depreciation of women's competence in Polish organizations

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Elżbieta Kolasińska


When analysing a discourse of equal chances and practical actions, we do conclude that it remains only a declared idea, not a reality. Reducing depreciation of women's competences requires change in mentality, permanent education and redefinition of feminine roles. And such should be the approach towards the canon of the obligatory in Poland education system, socialization to occupational roles and practices applied in the labour market. "The arrangement where women take lower social position does not crystallise within family but in the labour market, where women concentrate around less exposed positions yielding to men the places at the top level of power hierarchy, they are evidently less paid than men and have lesser, as compared to men, promotion opportunities" (Domański 1999:14). If the education system and social awareness do not change, then all declarations will be only a noble ideology not applicable in practice. Changing social perception is only the beginning of transformations, the next step are changes in education system, from the early learning to adult education. The necessary actions involve changes in the Polish education system and effective socialization of women to occupational roles at the highest level of management. Moreover, it is also important to carry out a thorough analysis on actions of "social individual and institutional actors", who either consciously or sub consciously depreciate competences of women in organizational life. Development of trust in women's competences is a long-distance process, particularly in the Polish institutional conditions dominated by men. However, some actions are propitious to construction of trust in competences of women. Firstly, they are principles of fair play in socio-organizational life obligatory for all, secondly, shaping organizational and national cultures on the base of equality, thirdly, reducing gender stereotypes in evaluation of competences. The next action establishing trust in women's competences is propagating transparent organizational policy and ethical norms. Other actions comprise, inter alia, propagating the principle of diversity in recruitment and humanitarian treatment of all employees regardless of sex. Neither modern organizations nor civilised society can be developed without the trust in women's competences. However, legislative solutions constitute only formal guarantees, which will prove insufficient when they are not respected. Future belongs to organization whose strategy reflects the formula: equality, trust, and diversity. civilised society can be developed without the trust in women's competences. However, legislative solutions constitute only formal guarantees, which will prove insufficient when they are not respected. Future belongs to organization whose strategy reflects the formula: equality, trust, and diversity.

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How to Cite
Kolasińska, E. (2012). Depreciation of women’s competence in Polish organizations. Women and Business, (1-4), 22–28, 48.


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