Motherhood-related determinants of women's entrepreneurship in Poland
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The Constitution of the Republic of Poland guarantees both women and men the same rights to selfemployment. Nevertheless, economic changes take place within a particular social and cultural context, with cultural patterns of gender roles and different social expectations of mothers and fathers of young children. In Poland, a traditional model where mainly mothers are expected to shoulder childcare responsibility in case of a young child is still dominant. Therefore, setting up and maintaining own business by mothers incurs higher costs than in case of fathers. Among these costs may be, inter alia, included psychological costs (related to the need for defying social expectations and combining work and family roles or responsibilities). There are also the costs related to ensuring external childcare for a young child and payment of social (sickness) insurance in order to obtain the right to a paid maternity leave (economic costs). Signifi cant obstacles pose diffi culties caused by all administrative and tax related requirements due to setting up and doing business encountered by entrepreneurs in Poland. Considering the fact that mothers are less fl exible and have fewer hours at their disposal that they can appoint to paid work, they meet additional barriers to conducting economic activity as compared to fathers.
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