Selected aspects of professional activity of women in the tourism and ICT industries in the Baltic Sea Region countries

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Dorota Witkowska
Aleksandra Matuszewska-Janica
Krzysztof Kompa


The purpose of the study is to present the situation of professional activity of women in the ICT industry (information and communication technology) and the industry of selected tourist services in the countries of the Baltic Sea Region (BSR) which are EU member states. The Baltic Sea Region forms one of the micro-regions of the European Union for which special strategies are formulated. These strategies aim, among others, to strengthen transnational cooperation, which can as a  result lead to greater territorial cohesion and potential of the region. The research was conducted as part of the WINNET (Winnet Centre of Excellence) project, and more precisely, within the scope of measure defined as: WP4 – Gender analysis of the SMEs in ICT and tourism in the BSR – quantitative approach. The research covered analysis of the structure and dynamics of employment rates by gender in the indicated industries. Because of the guidelines formulated in the Europe 2020 strategy, the analysis focussed on the 20-64 age group1 . The analysis takes into account 8 countries from the Baltic Sea Region that are EU member states: Germany, Denmark, Finland, Sweden (the so-called old member states designated as BSR-EU15) and Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia (states from the group that acceded to the EU after 2003, hereinafter referred to as BSR-NM10). (fragment of the text)

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How to Cite
Witkowska, D., Matuszewska-Janica, A., & Kompa, K. (2022). Selected aspects of professional activity of women in the tourism and ICT industries in the Baltic Sea Region countries. Women and Business, (1-4), 3–13, 38.


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