Financing sources for business activities run by women from rural areas, as exemplified by the Podlaskie Voivodeship

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Alina Szepelska


Irrespective of their size and location, business entities unalterably need financing. Considering that the SME sector has a  significant contribution to GDP, the problem of enterprise financing deserves attention. Small and medium-sized enterprises generate every second Polish zloty – 47.3% of GDP, including the smallest companies, which generate almost every third zloty – 29.4% [Raport PARP 2013:13]. Nevertheless, they still have to face difficulties in raising capital and often finance business with their own funds. Eurobarometer surveys indicate that enterprises run by women are granted smaller amounts of loans at a  higher interest rate and are financed with own funds more frequently than those operated by men: 80% of enterprises run by women and 65% of those run by men [Survey of the observatory of European SMEs 2007]. The aim of this study is to analyse the financing sources of small and medium-sized enterprises, including those run by women, in particular from the rural areas of the Podlaskie Voivodeship. The analysis has been prepared on the basis of secondary literature and selected findings of the survey titled Entrepreneurship of women in rural areas, as exemplified by the Podlaskie Voivodeship, conducted as part of research BDS-7/IP/10/2013 in the second half of 2014. (fragment of the text).

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How to Cite
Szepelska, A. (2022). Financing sources for business activities run by women from rural areas, as exemplified by the Podlaskie Voivodeship. Women and Business, (1-4), 31–36, 66.


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