Gender and ethnic origin: Opportunities and barriers in international professional career

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Bożena Dancewicz


The leading goal of this paper is to attempt to answer the question whether gender and ethnic origin have an influence on the international professional career of an individual. Since 1989 Poland has been affected by the changes taking place worldwide in the wake of rampant globalisation. The country’s accession to the European Union has opened new labour markets, an opportunity that Polish people are eagerly taking advantage of. At the same time, Poland has become home to international corporations, which have transformed its economy to a considerable extent. These processes involve the active participation of women. Their social position, professional opportunities, as well as related expectations and challenges have undergone a substantial change. The first part contains an overview of literature on gender and ethnic origin and discusses the most significant concepts related to culture and its dimensions according to G. Hofstede, as well as with culturally-conditioned social roles. The second part presents the results of the author’s research on the influence of gender and ethnic origin on international professional career, taking into account the research method applied. The final part indicates possible practical implications and potential directions for further research. (fragment of the text)

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How to Cite
Dancewicz, B. (2022). Gender and ethnic origin: Opportunities and barriers in international professional career. Women and Business, (1-4), 23–32, 64.


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