Business Activity in Costruction Industry : 2nd Qarter of 2015 Badania Koniunktury Gospodarczej Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH

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Maria Podgórska


In the 2nd quarter of 2015 the construction confidence indicator (CCI) amounted to 10.2 pts, 29.7 pts up from the 1st quarter figure. On average, seasonal changes in construction activity are characterized by an indicator's increase in the 2nd quarter, as compared to the 1st quarter, equal to ca. 40 points. Therefore, the present increase should be considered relatively small, and results in a decrease of the trend function which illustrates the long-term tendency of the construction industry. (fragment of text)

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How to Cite
Podgórska, M. (2015). Business Activity in Costruction Industry : 2nd Qarter of 2015: Badania Koniunktury Gospodarczej Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH. Business Activity in Construction Industry, (87), 1–20. Retrieved from

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