Koniunktura w budownictwie : I kwartał 2019 Badania Koniunktury Gospodarczej Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH

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Maria Podgórska
Ewa Ratuszny


In the first quarter of 2019, the general indicator of the economic situation in construction (IRGCON) amounts to -3.2, lower by 6 points compared to the first quarter of last year. The trend of the business climate index has been decreasing for over a year. A particularly large drop in the business climate indicator compared to the first quarter of the previous year occurs in the group of enterprises employing 21-100 people (a decrease by 29 points) and performing works related to the construction of buildings (PKD 41 - a decrease by 19 points). The production trend - after a drop at the beginning of last year - remains at a level close to the fixed one. In all analyzed groups of enterprises, production balances are negative. The highest balances, equal to -11.6 and -14.0, are found in groups of enterprises employing over 100 persons and performing works related to the construction of buildings (PKD 41), the lowest balance of -90.4 in the group of state-owned enterprises.(fragment of text)

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How to Cite
Podgórska, M., & Ratuszny, E. (2019). Koniunktura w budownictwie : I kwartał 2019: Badania Koniunktury Gospodarczej Instytutu Rozwoju Gospodarczego SGH. Business Activity in Construction Industry, (102), 1–40. Retrieved from https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/KwB/article/view/3464

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