Social exchange as a key factor in shaping employees' attitudes towards the organization

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Marcin Wnuk


Social exchange has a significantly shapes employees' attitudes towards organization. The aim of the study was to verify the mechanisms of the impact of perceived support received from the organization (POS) and supervisor (PSS), gratitude and organizational loyalty on the affective commitment of employees and the desire to leave it. 443 employees of one organization took part in the research. Following research tools were used: Overview of Perceived Organizational Support, Scale of Perceived Supervisor Support, Scale of Gratitude to the Organization, Scale of Organizational Loyalty, Organizational Commitment Scale and one measure of intention to leave the organization. POS mediated fully between PSS and employees' affective commitment, and partly between PSS and the desire to leave the organization. Gratitude to the organization and care about its positive image partly mediated between POS and PSS and the employees' affective commitment. Organizational loyalty was also a partial mediator between gratitude to the organization and affective commitment. The role of social exchange in shaping employees' attitudes towards the organization has been confirmed. One identified mechanisms, both of the direct impact of POS and PSS on affective commitment, and the indirect impact of these variables, through gratitude to the organization and care about its positive image. The role of gratitude and organizational loyalty for the willingness to leave the organization was also confirmed.(original abstract)

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How to Cite
Wnuk, M. (2019). Social exchange as a key factor in shaping employees’ attitudes towards the organization. Organization and Management, (3 (186), 57–71. Retrieved from


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