Autonomy in HRM - Empirical Evidence from Polish and German Service Sector

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Agnieszka Górska-Chowaniec


Personnel management in modern service sector has an increasingly important role, which in its execution requires interdisciplinary knowledge, not only from managers, but also employees, becoming with time the motivator to increase their decision-making participa- tion in the process of offering services. The purpose of this article is to define the essence of autonomy in human resources management and its impact on work efficiency and services in the opinion of catering sector in hotel industry workers. The paper presents the basic role of managers in managing the human capital and brings closer the essence of autonomy of personnel in the human resources management. The author verified the hypothesis about the importance of autonomy in human resource management and its impact on the efficiency of the work of individual employees. The results confirm the main hypothesis leading to the conclusion that the increase of the decision participation of individual members of the organization in their duties can significantly contribute to rising the efficiency of the services provided.

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How to Cite
Górska-Chowaniec, A. (2019). Autonomy in HRM - Empirical Evidence from Polish and German Service Sector. Organization and Management, (1(184), 47–57. Retrieved from


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