The role of a manager in managing intellectual capital in the context of innovative projects in an enterprise

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Ryszard Borowiecki
Tomasz Kusio
Barbara Siuta-Tokarska


The article presents considerations in the field of intellectual capital management at the enterprise level. The aim of the work was to analyze the role of managers in managing intellec - tual capital, developed by the human resources of the organization. The work involved the analysis of domestic and foreign literature, in particular literature-based examples of various-sized enterprises. In a result of the deliberations, one can notice a diversified, depending on the size of the enterprise, impact of the human factor on the dynamics of innovative processes that generate intellectual capital. This differentiation refers to a different level of decision-making.

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How to Cite
Borowiecki, R., Kusio, T., & Siuta-Tokarska, B. (2019). The role of a manager in managing intellectual capital in the context of innovative projects in an enterprise. Organization and Management, (1(184), 59–71. Retrieved from


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