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Łukasz Haromszeki


Leadership talent management (LTM) is one of the crucial aspects of HRM nowadays, which can decide of an organization success. The first step in building organizationally adapted capital of leaders is during the process of onboarding. The main goal of the article is to identify and explain the differences between the way of leadership talents onboarding before and during pandemic COVID-19. Research on this topic in MNCs headquartered in Central Europe is of an innovative character, tries to fill in the research gap. The research sample includes 200 non-financial business entities with Polish capital, whose headquarters are in Poland, and local subsidiaries are located outside the country. The research was conducted using CATI method. Descriptive, correlation statistics and Principal Component Analysis (PCA),  were used to analyze the collected empirical data.

The fundamental regularity observed in empirical research confirm that there are difference in approach to onboarding of leadership talents before and during a pandemic COVID-19, which in difficult conditions is based on analysis of different aspects of leadership relationships, deepen the knowledge of needs, expectations and measurement of behavior, not just treating it as the next stage of staffing.

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How to Cite
Haromszeki, Łukasz. (2024). DIFFERENCES IN APPROACH TO ONBOARDING OF LEADERSHIPS TALENTS IN HQ OF MNCS BEFORE AND DURING PANDEMIC COVID-19. Organization and Management, 192(1). Retrieved from https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/OiK/article/view/3391


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