Preface by Editor-in-Chief

prof. dr hab. Maciej Urbaniak

As we have already announced, the edition of our magazine starting from the
beginning of 2019 will be published only in English.

The current issue of our Quarterly concerns several contemporary topics such as: socially responsible innovations, instruments of the organizational communication systems, autonomy in human resources management, organizational politics and change as well as the role of a manager in managing intellectual capital.

Agata Austen and Monika Rutkowska in their paper discussed factors that may influence researchers’ absorptive capacity. A review of literature indicates that traditional role of universities, limited to education and undertaking research activities focused primarily on the development of scientific theories, has evolved towards the requirement of innovation and active search for opportunities to commercialize research results. Among many factors determining the innovativeness of researchers and their ability to commercially exploit research results, the importance of researchers’ absorptive capacity (ACAP) has been increasingly stressed.

In the next article Seweryn Spałek and Remigiusz Kozubek point to the designatum of the term socially responsible innovations in order to identify the research area. The authors attempt to show an operational definition of socially responsible innovation based on the integration of innovation theory and elements relating to the concept of sustainable development, corporate social responsibility.

Michał Chomicki indicates a relationship between the organizational communication system of Polish companies and the beneficialness of the shape of the cooperative relations between these companies and particular kinds of cooperators. The results of the author’s research show that organizational communication system and its instruments influence the beneficialness of the shape of cooperative relationships.

Agnieszka Górka-Chowaniec presents in her paper the basic role of managers in managing the human capital and brings closer the essence of autonomy of personnel in the human resources management. The author verified the hypothesis about the importance of autonomy in human resources management and its impact
on the efficiency of the work of individual employees. The results confirm the main hypothesis leading to the conclusion that the increase of the decision participation of individual members of the organization in their duties can significantly contribute to rising the efficiency of the services provided.

Barbara Siuta-Tokarska, Ryszard Borowiecki and Tomasz Kusio analyzed the role of a manager in managing intellectual capital in the context of innovative projects in an enterprise. The authors presented a cross-sectional analysis of case studies (of various size enterprises) presenting the role of the human factor in the context of intellectual capital management.

The Editorial Board asks Potential Authors for the texts of your considerations to be embedded in the international context of the latest scientific trends, and the cited literature to include studies in English (also studies published in our country). We ask for professionalism in the scope of the studies provided to us, which should be a subject of a thorough linguistic correction before submitting them to our Editorial Office. The lack of due diligence of the Authors in this regard will result in the refusal to accept the text and to forwarding it to the assessment by foreign reviewers. We want the particular issues to be characterized by thematic consistency and high professionalism in line with current trends in international journals.

We hope that each of your articles characterized by high quality content and properly drafted in the English version (including a native copyreader), will contribute to the growth of the citation index in international journals’ databases.

Wishing you in 2019 many successes in your professional and personal life!

Maciej Urbaniak, Editor in Chief

Published: 2019-03-31