Ways to prevent food waste in hotels - Research Paper


  • Marek Bugdol Uniwersytet Jagielloński
  • Daniel Puciato Uniwersytet WSB Merito we Wrocławiu


food, waste, hotels


Food waste is now a global problem and the amount of waste is growing rapidly despite various initiatives aimed at minimizing this problem. This problem particularly affects the hotel industry, and its limitation, due to market and corporate reasons, is not always easy. The aim of the article is to identify methods of reducing food waste in hotels. The main research method was a literature review. The following potential areas for minimizing food waste in hotel gastronomy have been identified: process analysis, measures to reduce purchases and waste use, guest education, system solutions and the use of pro-quality concepts, the use of technical devices, the use of local supplies, cooperation with charity organizations and the production of biogas and compost and animal nutrition. It is also recommended to conduct further empirical research on the identified problem area.


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How to Cite

Bugdol, M., & Puciato, D. (2023). Ways to prevent food waste in hotels - Research Paper. Tourism - Management, Administration, Law, (1), 29–35. Retrieved from https://econjournals.sgh.waw.pl/TZAP/article/view/4668