Actions to ensure the accessibility of tourist attractions in Krakow for people with disabilities as an element of the city's sustainable tourism policy
Krakow, accessibility, tourist attractions, person with lack of accessibilityAbstract
The aim of the article is to assess the accessibility for people with disabilities of flagship tourist attractions located in Krakow, a city with a rich historical heritage, awarded the Access City Award already in 2010 . The city pursues a policy of sustainable tourism, which includes shaping the accessibility of urban space for residents and tourists. The conducted research shows to what extent Krakow's attractions are adapted to accommodate visitors with various types of disabilities. The accessibility of 25 attractions (tourist routes, museums, religious buildings and others) was examined using a semi-structured questionnaire of interviews with attraction administrators and the results of a site visit of people testing accessibility. The results of the study are presented in a tabular form using a rating scale from 0 to 3 to illustrate the degree of accessibility of attractions. It also describes the activities undertaken by local authorities aimed at creating the availability of infrastructure and services for everyone, including tourism and recreation.
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