Koniunktura w gospodarce polskiej - barometr koniunktury

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Joanna Klimkowska


In the 2 nd quarter of 2021 the IRG SGH barometer (BARIRG) increased by 10.7 pts to -4.5 pts, and is now 31.1 pts up from the respective year 2020 figure. The increase of BARIRG marks the economy's way back to health. Usually, the barometer is negative in the second quarters but higher than in the first ones, due to seasonal recovery that follows wintertime slowdown. However, in the 2nd quarter of 2020 economic activity and business confidence were overshadowed by the COVID-19 pandemic and administrative restrictions imposed on many industries. As the pandemic has recently dimmed, the economy bounced back with the impetus augmented by the recovery which typically comes up at this time of a year.(original abstract)

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