Autostrady na Euro 2012
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The decision to organize Euro 2012 in Poland was a challenge in the sphere of construction of economic infrastructure. Particular emphasis was put on construction and modernization of road network. The highway construction program that begun in 2006 was sped up and its priorities were slightly changed. However, when the Euro 2012 approached financial, environmental and construction problems were noticed. Many contracts were not realistic which caused arguments between the authorities and the building contractors. As a result the important and prestigious highway between Łódź and Warsaw was conditionally operational two days before the fi rst match. In spite of addition of 500 km of roads between 2011–2012 the highway construction program was not finished according to the plans. There were 423 km of A1 highway (Gdansk–border with Czech Republic) planned but 315 km were not build on time. Situation was similar on the A4 highway (German border–Ukrainian border) were instead of 297 km of roads only 74 km were finished. The only fragments that were finished as planned were 197 km on the A2 highway (German border–Warsaw) and 22,4 km of the A8 highway (Wrocław beltway).
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Autor (Autorzy) artykułu oświadcza, że przesłane opracowanie nie narusza praw autorskich osób trzecich. Wyraża zgodę na poddanie artykułu procedurze recenzji oraz dokonanie zmian redakcyjnych. Przenosi nieodpłatnie na Oficynę Wydawniczą SGH autorskie prawa majątkowe do utworu na polach eksploatacji wymienionych w art. 50 Ustawy z dnia 4 lutego 1994 r. o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych – pod warunkiem, że praca została zaakceptowana do publikacji i opublikowana.
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