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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. Rules for preparation of a paper 
    1. The submitted papers should be original, i.e. not published earlier in a journal or in a book. Additionally, the papers submitted for publication in the Quarterly cannot be submitted simultaneously or earlier for publication in another Polish language journal, nor in a journal published in English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Italian languages.
    2. Authors are required to sign a statement on the originality of the paper and a transfer of copyright agreement. 
    3. Papers should be edited in accordance with standards of Oficyna Wydawnicza SGH (see Wytyczne dla autorów on the Oficyna Wydanicza’s website) 
    4. The papers submitted should be no longer than 15 pages of normalized typescript (27,000 signs), including bibliography. The papers should be edited in the following order: 
    ​• Title 
    ​• Name and surname of the author 
    ​• Affiliation 
    ​• Body of the text 
    ​• Bibliography 
    ​• Keywords (5 maximum) and an abstract in Polish and English (1200 signs, including spaces). 
    5. A paper should be divided as follows: 
    ​• Introduction containing the aim of the paper 
    ​• Main part 
    ​• Conclusions 
    6. A paper should be submitted in an electronic form (.doc format)  
    7. The submitted papers that do not meet the present criteria will not be considered for reviews and publication. 
    8. The Editorial Board reserves the right to: 
    ​• Edit the submitted paper, 
    ​• Use abbreviations, 
    ​• Introduce or dismiss corrections. 
    9. Only papers that have successfully passed the reviews are published in “Studia i prace”.
    Ghost writing protection 
    1. The Editorial Board introduces procedures to prevent ghost writing and quest authorship in accordance with the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education standards for scientific journals. 
    2. The authors are required to provide information on the real input of each of the authors into the paper (natural persons and legal entities), including affiliation and the information on who is the author of the project, assumptions, methods etc. used for the preparation of the paper. 
    3. Authors should clearly and honestly present the results of their work. In that regard, the authors are required to submit a statement in the before mentioned matter. 
    4. The person principally responsible is the Author submitting the manuscript. 
    5. The Editorial Board reserves the right to demand information on the sources of founding of the publication, on the input of research institutions, associations and other entities (financial disclosure). 
    ​6. The Editors collect all evidence of dishonesty in scientific research, particularly unethical behaviour in science. All such cases will be reported to authorities.