Selected aspects of adult education in the context of the changing labour market in Poland​

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Izabela Książkiewicz


The development of continuing education contributes to the creation of the global society, which entails great changes in everyday life and in the area of professional work. The global labour market poses high demands to its participants. An individual’s responsibility for one’s own education, knowledge and competences is constantly increasing. An academic degree confirmed by competences gained is becoming a desired value.

This article is an attempt to show the essence of continuing education in the context of the demands of the today’s labour market in Poland.


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How to Cite
Książkiewicz, I. . (2018). Selected aspects of adult education in the context of the changing labour market in Poland​. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (3 (35), 217–232. Retrieved from


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