Tunisia and Morocco: different faces of Arab Spring

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Monika Krukowska


Political changes in Northern Africa, known as the Arab Spring, allowed reli‑ gious parties to take over the power. In the paper I analyzed political developments in Tunisia and Morocco in the past two years. Both countries have accepted reform agendas though their implementation brought about different results. In Tunisia the changes were very volatile, deeply interfering with all aspects of public and private spheres. In Morocco, on the opposite, the process was much more gentle, overseen in all aspects by king Mohamed VI. The fact that ruling political par‑ ties have religious roots has influenced the process of reforms and caused serious anxiety. The complexity of the economic, social, and political challenges in both countries hinders the reform process. The tensions between two ways of devel‑ opment (religious and secular) cause controversy and uncertainty which are the subject of this paper.


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Krukowska, M. (2014). Tunisia and Morocco: different faces of Arab Spring. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (2), 25–49. https://doi.org/10.33119/KKESSiP.2014.2.2


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