Regional international organziations in implementing sustainable development in East Asia

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Krzysztof Kozłowski


The goal of the study is to analyze the non‑Western interpretations of sustainable development concept and the role of international organizations and international public goods in their potential realization. Numerous political and economic contradictions generated by the experiences of colonization and decolonization of the region make Western and regional understanding of the concept substantially different. While from the global perspective it is perceived as an imperative, locally it may be interpreted as a veiled form of neocolonialism. The differences result in wide range of problems, from minor misunderstandings to open resentment. The goal of the article is to prove that regional international organizations and international public goods have the potential to become a key to develop mutually acceptable form of sustainable development concept and practice.


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Kozłowski, K. (2014). Regional international organziations in implementing sustainable development in East Asia. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (2), 75–91.


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