The influence of economic crisis on the international position of the euro

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Izabela Zawiślińska


The international position of a currency is directly determined by the scale and manner of fulfilment of classic currency functions in the international context. Creation of the Economic and Monetary Union and the introduction of a new currency (euro) – even though the decision was strictly political – was well-received by entities of contemporary international economy, including its main participants and the players on the international currency market. The reason for such a reception was the potential of the economies in the euro area, and also structural conditions and expectations for creation of an international currency that was to be a real alternative to the US dollar. The possibility of diversification in the investment and reserve spheres as well as in reference, intervention, transfer and invoicing spheres was considered as a step in the right direction to limiting the domination of the US dollar on the market. Notwithstanding the increasing problems in euro area in the fiscal sphere and the real economy, particularly with the job market, one may agree that the latest economic crisis did not change the bipolar character of the international monetary system still based on the US dollar and the euro. However, it needs to be stressed that the euro remains rather a regional than a global currency.


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How to Cite
Zawiślińska, I. (2014). The influence of economic crisis on the international position of the euro. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (3), 51–70.


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