Praktyki zawodowe w przedsiębiorstwach jako ważny obszar kształcenia zawodowego w technikach

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Alicja Snarska


The subject of this paper is vocational education in vocational high schools in Poland and its aim is to argue that presently vocational high schools fail at providing their students with qualifications necessary to work in their profession of choice. The problem is important as the unemployment rate among young people is high while the employers claim there is a deficit of qualified workforce on the labour market. The paper presents the results of a survey carried out among vocational high school students which showed that 95 % of students believe that 4 weeks of apprenticeships is insufficient. Given the opinions of the employers and the results of the survey among the vocational high school students, it seems surprising that the changes made to the vocational core curriculum were not more substantial.


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How to Cite
Snarska, A. (2014). Praktyki zawodowe w przedsiębiorstwach jako ważny obszar kształcenia zawodowego w technikach. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (3), 109–125.


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