Strategic reassurance - nowa koncepcja czy słabość polityki USA wobec Chin? 

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Marek Kostrzewa


The author of this article analyzes a new idea introduced to the American policy toward China upon taking over by Democrats and the Administration of the White House. Searching the answer to the question what 'strategic reassurance' is in bilateral and multilateral US-China relations he enters the course and results of B. Obama's first state visit to China in 2009 and surveys strategic interests of the US and China in the Pacific area. He comes to the conclusion that 'strategic reassurance' is a rule and it is not a concept of American policy in bilateral relations with China, which for its substance and political nature will not be introduced to them, following the rule of 'status quo' in the Taiwan Strait, a new quality and will not eliminate tensions that may originate in them. Functioning of this rule in bilateral relations meets strategic interests of China, because theoretically it increases a foresee ability proportion of B. Obama's new Administration actions and in comparison to G. W. Bush policy creates a perspective for more stable environment. In the context of the US multilateral relations this term meets conceptual criteria of a new strategic vision of American policy toward Asia, including key role of ASEAN i, in order to balance the powers rank changing as a consequence of rising China, with no undermining its position in the region. 


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How to Cite
Kostrzewa, M. (2011). Strategic reassurance - nowa koncepcja czy słabość polityki USA wobec Chin? . Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (1), 83–109.


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