Planowanie i ocena projektów inwestycyjnych jednostek samorządu terytorialnego z wykorzystaniem metod budżetowania zadaniowego

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Benedykt Opałka


Organizational and legal conditions influencing the investment policy of Polish self-government units can be judged as still uncertain. The need for strengthening the rple of long term planning in public finance remains one of the most vital and current problems, which is especially important in accotdance to the investment projects in the public sector. The research indicatet that effectiveness of the investment projects executed by the self-government units can be significantly improved by using elements of taks budgeting methodology. Task budgeting can be therefore considered as an instrument of management which helps to link strategic planning with the investment project management. Widening the scope of implementation of task budgeting should lead to the improvement of methods of theeconomic evaluation of investment projects as well as annual and ling-term programs. The important factor is that the terms: 'budgetary task' and 'investment project' are highly similar. That similarity can stimulate developing analitical methods which are based on financial and material indicators. Main conclusions of the conducted research are that the most important advantages of implementing the task budgeting methods derive from their role as strong analytic tool helping to manage any types of the unit's resources and concentrating on achieving strategic goals. The conducted analysis also proved that with the use of wide scope of analitical tools, the task budgeting methodology strongly stimulates expansion of implementing quantitative indicators in evaluation of the public investment projects. 


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How to Cite
Opałka, B. (2011). Planowanie i ocena projektów inwestycyjnych jednostek samorządu terytorialnego z wykorzystaniem metod budżetowania zadaniowego. Kwartalnik Kolegium Ekonomiczno-Społecznego. Studia I Prace, (2), 93–116.


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